Alice Martignoni

Alice Martignoni

First Name: 
Last Name: 
Ph.D. Candidate
Biography : 

Alice Martignoni is a Ph.D. Candidate in Italian Studies. She is pursuing her degree through a joint supervision between the University of Toronto and the École Pratique de Hautes Études. She received her M.A. in Modern Philology at the University of Pavia, and was a student of the Istituto di Studi Superiori and Collegio S. Caterina da Siena. Her doctoral work consists of the critical edition and linguistic study of a late 15th / early 16th century devotional manuscript related to a lay confraternity in the town of Brignoles, Provence (Béziers, ms. CIRdOC 913). In the last few years, she has also worked on the critical edition of the northern branch of the Cantare di Lion Bruno, and on contemporary Italian and dialect poetry.
Since the beginning of her Ph.D. at the University of Toronto, Alice has received several appointments as a course instructor at the Department of Italian Studies, where she taught both Literature (ITA200H1) and Language courses (ITA100Y1; ITA250Y1; ITA450H1). In addition to her appointments with the Department of Italian Studies, Alice has also had appointments in the Department of French (TA for FSL100H1F).

Collaborative Program:

Joint degree ("cotutelle") with the École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris


  • A. MARTIGNONI, F. PIERNO (eds.). Convergenze plurilingui. Incroci e convivenze linguistiche tra Medioevo e prima età moderna. Berlin / New York: De Gruyter, forthcoming [December 2023]
  • A. MARTIGNONI, "Appunti sulla lingua di un laudario (fine XV-inizio XVI secolo?) in una raccolta manoscritta di Brignoles (Mediatèca Occitana-CIRDOC Béziers, ms. 913)". In F. MONTUORI, E. PICCHIORRI (eds), In fieri, 4 Ricerche di linguistica italiana Atti della IV Giornata dell’ASLI per i dottorandi (Firenze, Accademia della Crusca, 2-4 dicembre 2021), Firenze: Cesati, 2023, 181-189.
  • A. MARTIGNONI, "Alcune convergenze tra italiano e provenzale in un codice plurilingue redatto a Brignoles (Mediatèca occitana, CIRDOC-Béziers, Ms 913). Analisi linguistica e proposte interpretative". In A. GIRAUDO, W. MELIGA, G. NOTO, A. PONS, M. RIVOIRA (eds), Occitània. Centres e periferias. Occitanie. Centres et phériphéries. Occitania. Centri e periferie. Atti del XIII Congresso dell’AIEO (online, 12-17 luglio 2021), Alessandria: Dell’Orso, forthcoming.

Honours & Awards

  • Ontario Trillium Scholarship (2017-2021)
  • Ontario Graduate Scholarship (2021-2023)
  • Iter Research Fellowship in Medieval and Renaissance Studies (2018 -)
  • Charles Hall Grandgent Award for the best graduate student essay, Dante Society of America (2018)
Academic diploma, Institute for Advanced Studies of Pavia
M.A., Modern Philology, University of Pavia
First-level diploma, Institute for Advanced Studies of Pavia
B.A., Modern Literature, University of Pavia

People Type:

Areas of Interest: 
  • History of Italian Language
  • History of Occitan Language
  • Italian Philology
  • Medieval Italian Literature
  • Medieval Occitan Literature
  • Romance Linguistics
  • Romance Philology



Dissertation Title: 
Un cas de plurilinguisme en Provence au début de l’époque moderne. Étude, analyse linguistique et édition critique du "Laudario de Brignoles" et de quelques textes dévotionnels occitans dans le ms. 913 de la Mediatèca occitana, CIRDOC-Béziers
Dissertation Supervisors: 
Franco Pierno (University of Toronto)
Dorothea Kullmann (University of Toronto)
Fabio Zinelli (EPHE Paris)
Dissertation Description: 

Alice's doctoral work consists of the critical edition and linguistic study of the vernacular texts included in a late 15th / early 16th century devotional manuscript related to a lay confraternity in Brignoles, Provence (Béziers, ms. CIRdOC 913), which contains a variety of texts in multiple languages: a collection of laude in a Northwestern variety of Italian, some Occitan orisons and other devotional materials in Latin and French.

Other Website:
Meta Description: 
Profile of Alice Martignoni, a Ph.D. Candidate at the Department of Italian Studies, University of Toronto.