Aletta, Alessio: Geography and Spatiality in the Works of Luigi Pirandello.
Committee: L. Somigli (Supervisor), E. Morra, A. Zambenedetti
Cheng, Ziyu: From Nation-States to Stateless Nations: Transnational Prescence of Contemporary Chinese Art at the Venice Biennale (1993-2022)
Committee: A. Zambenedetti (Supervisor), E. Morra, Y. Gu
Galli, Sara: Dante Alighieri’s Didactic Project and Augustine’s De Doctrina Christiana.
Committee: E. Brilli (Supervisor), F. Pierno, E. Piccardo
Gaspari, Sylvia: The Rhetoric of Invocation & Prayer in the Divine Comedy.
Committee: D. Pietropaolo (Supervisor), M. Lettieri, W. Robins
Grasso, Rachel: Challenging Italianità in the Rap and Trap Music of G2 Italian Artists
Committee: A. Zambenedetti (Supervisor), A. Pesarini (Co-Supervisor) - Joint Educational Placement agreement with the University of Milan - Bicocca (Supervisor: M. Maneri)
Jamali, Mohammad: A Linguistic Analysis of the Written Corpora of Mario Pratesi.
Committee: F. Pierno (Supervisor), A. Urbancic - Joint Educational Placement agreement with the University of Milan (Supervisor: G. Polimeni)
Laudadio, Daniele: A Seat at the Table: Food, Identity and Postcoloniality in Italy.
Committee: L. Somigli (Co-Supervisor), A. Zambenedetti (Co-Supervisor), D. Gabaccia
Lisena, Giovanna: Masina beyond Fellini: Her Works in Theater, Radio, Cinema and Television
Committee: A. Zambenedetti (Supervisor), C. Columpar, A. Fenner
Logan, Katharina: Pola addio! Exile in the literature of Italian-Canadian writers from Istria
Committee: K. Eisenbichler (supervisor), M. Lettieri, A. Liberatori
Martignoni, Alice: Un cas de plurilinguisme en Provence au début de l’époque moderne. Étude, analyse linguistique et édition critique du « Laudario de Brignoles » et d’autres textes dévotionnels en occitan dans le ms. 913 du CIRdOC.
Committee: F. Pierno (Supervisor), D. Kullmann (Co-supervisor) - This doctoral degree program is under a "Cotutelle" Agreement with the École Pratique des Hautes Études (EPHE), Paris (EPHE Supervisor: F. Zinelli)
Ruangsri, Nattapol: Giorgio Bassani’s Environmental Consciousness: From Early Literary Works to Civil Writings (1930s-1980s).
Committee: L. Somigli (Supervisor), E. Morra, A. Zambenedetti
Sodano, Lorena: The World within the Convent: Fiammetta Frescobaldi (1523-1586), a disabled nun from Renaissance Florence
Committee: L. Ingallinella (Co-supervisor - academic), F. Pierno (Co-supervisor - administrative), N. Terpstra
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Chiafele, Anna Maria Teresa | 2010 | Ironia: metafinzione nelle opere di Luigi Malerba |
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Chirumbolo, Paolo | 2004 | Romanzi allo specchio: Aspetti metaletterari della narrativa degli anni sessanta di Paolo Volponi, Italo Calvino ed Edoardo Sanguineti |
Cianfrone, Paolo | 2002 | Metafore tessili e il testo come tessitura |
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Colonnese-Benni, Vittoria | 1999 | Dante and the Media |
Cordaro, Luisa | 1999 | Anna Maria Ortese: A Testimony of Time |
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Costa, Elio | 1974 | Brunetto Latini between Boethius and Dante: the "Tesoretto" and the Medieval Allegorical Tradition |
Cracolici, Stefano | 2000 | Contenzioni Amatorie Leon Battista Alberti e L'Invenzione Del Dialogo D'Amore |
Cristiano, Anthony | 2003 | Form and Function: The Interplay between Characters, Places, and Cinematic Techniques, in Caro Diario, Lamerica and Nirvana |
Cuda, Rosa | 2003 | The Question of Gender as a Genre in M.L. Spaziani A. Guiducci, and O.G. Bernardi |
D'Agostino, Giovanni Raimondo | 2000 | The Locus Amoneus as a Structuring Principle in Dante's Comedy |
D'Alessandro, Mario A. | 2001 | The Evolution of the Concept of the Hero in the Epic Poetry of Torquato Tasso |
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Debenedictis, Raffaele | 1996 | Dante: Musica e ordine nell Divina commedia |
Del Signore Marla, Marie | 2002 | Emigration in Italian Literature in the late 19th and Early 20th Centuries |
Di Rosa, Lucia | 2001 | From Page to Screen: The Role of Literature in the Films of Luchino Visconti |
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Federici, Corrado | 1977 | The poetry of Camillo Sbarbaro |
Fedi, Andrea | 1994 | Stile e struttura nei Diarii di Marin Sanudo |
Fietta Paolo, Antonio | 1997 | The Poetics of the Atrical Dance in Early Eighteenth-Century Italy |
Frascà, Paolo | 2020 | Oblique Genealogies: A Queer Analysis of the Life, Work, and Thought of Mario Mieli (1952-1983) |
Fulginiti, Valentina | 2014 | Il vocabulario e la strada. Self-Translation between Standard Language and Dialects in Contemporary Italian Theatre (1909-1920) |
Gallippi, Franco | 2007 | Calvino: Reader of Leopardi and Galileo |
Gaspari, Anna Maria Rosaria | 1995 | Retorica e strategie narrative nel Triregno di Pietro Giannone |
Gastaldi, Sciltian | 2012 | Pier Vittorio Tondelli: Letteratura Minore e Scrittura dell’Impegno Sociale |
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Götkçen Mahmut, Adnan | 1980 | The Language of Bonvesin de la Riva and a Concordance of his Works |
Granata, Joanne | 2016 | Uncovering a Forgotten Renaissance Comedy: A Commented Critical Edition of Francesco Antonio Rossi’s Il Capriccio |
Grimaldi, Adriana | 2014 | The Dialogical Element in Machiavelli’s Work |
Grossi, Anna Maria | 2013 | Leone Orsini e il manoscritto “Italien 1535” della Bibliothèque nationale de France |
Gualtieri, Angelo | 1983 | The Poetry and Spiritual Treatises of Savonarola |
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Iannacito, Roberta | 2000 | Il Dialetto Molisano Di Villa San Michele (Isernia) |
Iuele Colilli, Diana | 1991 | Language and Culture in the Sila Grande of Calabria |
Iozzo, Anthony | 1980 | Human and Divine Justice in Dante |
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Lobalsamo, Teresa | 2013 | From Visual Learner to Visual Teacher and Beyond: The Role of Children in Vittorio De Sica’s Neorealism |
Longo Lavorato, Rachele | 1983 | Thematic Aspects of the Works of Giorgio Bassani |
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Mazzuca, Rosa Angela | 1985 | Giovanni Prati in Italian Literary Criticism |
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Sangalli, Yuri Michele | 2006 | Space and Time of Industry in Italian Cinema and Literature. 1954-1964. Michelangelo Antonioni, Pier Paolo Pasolini and Italo Calvino |
Sansalone, Christine | 2005 | La figura della donna nel teatro italiano tra fine Ottocento e inizio Novecento |
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