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- Accademia Della Crusca - Osservatorio degli Italianismi nel Mondo (OIM) webpage
Project Description
The Osservatorio degli Italianismi nel Mondo (OIM), is one of the fundamental research projects of the Accademia della Crusca. The program, directed by Luca Serianni (Sapienza University of Rome) and Matthias Heinz (University of Salzburg), aims to create a database that will serve as a collection of all Italian words and words of Italian origin that are used in other languages.
In 2014, the OIM-Canada was created by Franco Pierno, thus paving the way for the foundation of the 'OIM (Canada-USA-Puerto Rico)' chapter in 2021. The latter seeks to expand the research to the United States and Latin America. The new chapter will be coordinated by Franco Pierno (University of Toronto) in collaboration with Maia Sherwood Droz (Director of the online Tesoro lexicográfico del español de Puerto Rico online - Academia Puertorriqueña de la Lengua Española) and Hermann Haller (Queens College & Graduate Center - CUNY, New York - Accademia della Crusca), and will aim to create new agreements throughout the Americas.
L'Osservatorio degli Italianismi nel Mondo (OIM), diretto da Luca Serianni (Università Sapienza di Roma) e Matthias Heinz (Università di Salisburgo), mira alla costituzione di una banca dati che possa raccogliere tutte le parole italiane e di origine italiana entrate nell’uso di altre lingue. L'OIM è uno dei progetti strategici dell'Accademia della Crusca e si avvale di un gruppo di ricerca internazionale. Qui a Toronto, nel 2014, era stata creata la sezione OIM-Canada, coordinata da Franco Pierno. Da questa base, e nella volontà di allargare la prospettiva di ricerca all'intera sfera nordamericana e alla America Latina, nasce nel 2021 la sezione OIM (Canada-Stati Uniti d'America-Puerto Rico). Questa nuova sezione è coordinata da Franco Pierno (Università di Toronto), con la collaborazione di Maia Sherwood Droz (Direttrice del Tesoro lexicográfico del español de Puerto Rico in linea - Academia Puertorriqueña de la Lengua Española) e di Hermann Haller (Queens College & Graduate Center - CUNY, New York - Accademia della Crusca), e mira a creare ulteriori sinergie attraverso le Americhe.
El Osservatorio degli Italianismi nel Mondo (OIM), dirigido por Luca Serianni (Universidad de Roma La Sapienza) y Matthias Heinz (Universidad de Salzburgo), busca la constitución de un banco de datos que pueda recoger todas las palabras italianas y de origen italiano que han entrado en uso en otros idiomas. El OIM es uno de los proyectos estratégicos de la Accademia della Crusca y se acoge a un grupo de investigación internacional. Aquí en Toronto, en el 2014, se creó la sección OIM-Canadá, coordinada por Franco Pierno. Desde esta base, y con el deseo de ampliar la prospectiva de investigaciones a Estados Unidos y también a Latinoamérica, nace en el 2021 la sección OIM (Canadá -EE. UU. -Puerto Rico). Esta nueva sección será coordinada por Franco Pierno (Universidad de Toronto), con la colaboración de Maia Sherwood Droz (Directora del Tesoro lexicográfico del español de Puerto Rico en linéa - Academia Puertorriqueña de la Lengua Española) y de Hermann Haller (Queens College & Graduate Center - CUNY, New York - Accademia della Crusca), y buscará formar nuevos convenios a lo largo de las Américas.
Franco Pierno
Franco Pierno, born in Canada and educated in Europe, received his bachelor’s degree in the History of the Italian Language from the University of Pavia. He then obtained a Ph.D. in Romance Linguistics and Philology by completing a thesis on Italian Linguistics at the University of Strasbourg. He is currently a Full Professor in Italian Linguistics and a member of Trinity College at the University of Toronto. He was trained in Italian Lexicography at the Lessico Etimologico Italiano (Saarbrucken) under the supervision of Max Pfister (†). Before coming to Toronto, he taught at the universities of Strasbourg, Basel, and Neuchâtel. He has also been invited as a visiting researcher by the following academic institutions: Visiting Fellow at John Carter Brown Library (Brown University); Directeur d'Études Associé at Fondation Maison Sciences de l'Homme (Paris, France); and Senior Fellow at the University of Dresden.
Maia Sherwood Droz
Maia Sherwood Droz is a Puerto Rican linguist and lexicographer. She is a member of the Puerto Rican Academy of the Spanish Language, where she directs Tesoro.pr, an online dictionary of dictionaries on Puerto Rican Spanish with more than 27,000 words coming from 65 sources spanning from 1788 to 2010. She is also the director of the new Dictionary of Puerto Rico. She represents the Antilles in the international commission for the Diccionario de la Lengua Española and the new Diccionario Fraseológico Panhispánico, in the Royal Spanish Academy and Association of Academies of the Spanish Language. She is interested in cultural projects and popularizing linguistic content. She works currently as a linguistic consultant for projects relating to the processing of natural languages and artificial intelligence.