Departmental Awards (M.A.)
Department of Italian Studies Graduate Scholarship Fund
- Established through the generous donations of Various Donors and matched by OSOTF.
- It is awarded to a student enrolled in a program offered by the Department of Italian Studies.
Elsa M. Amadio Scholarship in Italian-Canadian Studies
- Established by Elsa M. Amadio
- It is awarded to one or more graduate students based on academic merit. Financial need may be considered. Preference will be given to students interest in exploring: 1) the experience of Italian Canadian women; 2) the attitude of Italian Canadians towards their heritage; 3) the extent to which Italian Canadians have influenced Canadian policies
- For information on how to apply, contact the Department of Italian Studies
Emilio Goggio Graduate Scholarship
- Established by Dr. Alfredo Goggio and Mr. Ernest Goggio, in memory of their father, Professor Emilio Goggio, and the Associates of the University of Toronto. The award is matched by OSOTF.
- It is awarded to a full-time graduate student in the Department of Italian Studies who has shown interest beyond the usual in fostering greater understanding between the peoples in Italy and North America, or in the extension or broadening of the teaching of Italian and of Italian Studies literature.
Francesco Camisso / Ontario Graduate Scholarship in Italian Studies (OGS)
- Established by Mr. Anthony Camisso.
- It is awarded to an Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) recipient in the Department of Italian Studies.
Frank and Nella Colantonio Graduate Fellowship for Italian Canadian Studies
- Established by the Colantonio family.
- It is awarded to a graduate student who is studying Italian Canadian history and culture or labour issues, on the basis of academic excellence and financial need.
Giovanni Caboto Fellowship in Italian Canadian Studies
- Established by Mr. L. Cianfarani on behalf of the “Laziali nel Mondo” Association of Toronto and matched by OSOTF.
- It is awarded to a graduate student working in the field of Italian Canadian Studies.
Guardiaregia Club Mastrogiovanni Pallotta Graduate Fellowship in Italian Studies
- Established by Club Guardiaregia and the friends of Nicola Mastrogiovanni and Nicola Pallotta in their memory.
- It is awarded to a graduate student in the Department of Italian Studies on the basis of academic merit, where financial need may also be considered.
Italian Canadian Immigrant Graduate Fellowship in Italian Studies
- Established by the Italian-Canadian Immigrant Commemorative Association.
- It is awarded to a graduate student in the Department of Italian Studies, on the basis of academic merit and on past volunteer contributions to the Italian community. Financial need may also be considered.
Ivetta Eisenbichler Scholarship in Italian Studies
- Awarded to one student registered in the Department of Italian Studies based on academic merit.
Jean Arnold Tory Bursary
- Established by the Estate of Kathleen Jean Tory.
- It is awarded to a graduate student in the Department of Italian Studies on the basis of financial need.
Lucile Wakelin Dunlevie Graduate Award in Italian Studies Established by Gerald Dunlevie.
- It is awarded to a graduate student in the Department of Italian Studies on the basis of academic merit.
May Camisso (Ontario) Graduate Scholarship or May Camisso Graduate Scholarship
- Established by Anthony Camisso
- First preference is to support an Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) recipient in the Department of Italian Studies. In the years when there is no available OGS recipient, or the OGS ceases to exist, this scholarship will be given to a student registered in the Department of Italian Studies, based on academic excellence. Please contact the Department of Italian Studies for application and deadline information.
Melissa Pulver-Goggio Scholarship in Italian Studies
- Established by the Goggio Family
- It is awarded to one or more graduate students on the basis of academic merit. Financial need may also be considered.
Molise Graduate Scholarship
- Established by Molise Trust Ontario Incorporated
- It is awarded to students who submit course work that explores Molisan culture or to students who write an essay on the subject. Recipients must be either a graduate student in the Department of Italian Studies or an undergraduate student who has been accepted to the MA program in the Department of Italian Studies. Recipients will also be encouraged to present a lecture based on their submission. Please contact the Department for application and deadline information.
Senator Peter Bosa Graduate Fellowship in Italian Studies
- Established by Mrs. Teresa Bosa and matched by the Ontario Student Opportunity Trust Fund (OSOTF), the Endowed Adjustment Fund (EAF) and the Ontario Trust for Student Support (OTSS).
- It is awarded to a graduate student in the Department of Italian Studies.