Tuition and Funding for Ph.D. – 2021-2022 Academic Year
Duration of funding | 4.5 years |
Average Income for Domestic Students in 2021-2022 | $29,000 |
Base funding for Domestic Students in 2021-2022 | $26,480 [18,500 + $7,980 (tuition fee)] |
Average Income for International Students in 2021-2022 | $30,000 |
Base Funding for International Students in 2021-2022 | $27,236 [$18,000 + $8,736 (tuition fee + UHIP] |
Departmental Funding Practice
The Department of Italian Studies offers the A&S base funding package to Ph.D. Students for a duration of 4.5 years. We include the TA maximum of $7,896 in the base funding, and offer top-ups, above-base, in the form of awards and fellowships. Students can also apply for additional TA and CI positions.